Senior Troop 13

Singing Sands Council is located in Michiana (where Indiana and Michigan meet) and spans portions of both northern Indiana and South Western Michigan. Our troop, Senior Troop 13, is composed of Girl Scouts based in
Click for South Bend, Indiana Forecast


Our troop recently completed a journey to attend "Starburst '98" an International camporee in West Sussex, England.
ROSEBUTTON IMAGEFollow this link to view the flags that represent the countries we made new friends with!
One of the greatest pleasures during our trip was the warm hospitality we enjoyed from Guiders who took us into their homes and cared for us far beyond the call of duty. They truely lived our Promise and Law.
No trip to England would be complete without visiting;
London's Weather
Obviously no single page could tell you of all the wonderful places and events you can see in London, so we won't try. We will just suggest you try your favorite search engine and explore the possibilities! Places no Girl Scout or Guide should miss are the Guide Headquarters/Guide Heritage Center. Pax Lodge and Baden-Powell House
Here's a short cut to search engine for you
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Guide Association LogoFollow this link to the Guide Association Online
Like all good things in Girl Scouting and life this page is a work in progress, so feel free to check back every so often to see what progress we've made
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No Girl Scout Page would be complete without a link to the Girl Scout image and link to GSUSA pageGSUSA page which now offers online shopping for you to get those nifty offical Girl Scout items!

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Our name is Senior Troop 13, and we are proud to be Singing Sands Girl Scout's!

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